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 Un día como hoy Enero 19-25, 2020 (semana 04) infographic
Los gráficos muestran cumpleaños y aniversarios en cada día de la semana.


Un día como hoy Enero 19-25, 2020 (semana 04)

By Julie Mullins

January 19, 2020 - January 25, 2020 - Los gráficos muestran cumpleaños y aniversarios en cada día de la semana. Esta semana incluye los anuncios de neón, el presidente de EUA Franklin D. Roosevelt y el primer submarino nuclear del mundo, el USS Nautilus. También, el fallecimiento del rey Abdullah de Arabia Saudí, el batiscafo Trieste, la “semana de las barricadas” en Argelia y el desastre en una mina en Brumadinho, Brasil.

January 19, 1915: French physicist Georges Claude was granted a patent for the neon sign. It swiftly became a revolutionary tool within the advertising industry

January 20, 1945: Franklin D. Roosevelt was sworn in for his fourth term as U.S. president, a record that will go unbroken as there is now a limit of two elected terms

January 21, 1954: The world’s first nuclear-powered submarine, USS Nautilus, was launched. Her many records included the first submerged transit of the North Pole in 1958

January 22, 2015: King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia died at around 90 years of age. Seen as something of a reformer, he became a vocal advocate of peace in the Middle East

January 23, 1960: The bathyscaphe Trieste dived to a depth of 10,916 metres in the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean, the deepest known point of the Earth’s oceans

January 24, 1960: A major insurrection, the “week of barricades”, began in Algiers in protest against French President Charles de Gaulle’s policy of self-determination for Algeria

January 25, 2019: A dam collapse at an iron ore mine in Brumadinho, Brazil, sent triggered mudflows that slammed through the mine’s offices and cafeteria, killing over 270 people

PUBLISHED: 15/01/2020; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Newscom, Getty, Associated Press