El gráfico muestra detalles del cometa 2I/Borisov y su trayectoria a través del sistema solar.


Llegada de objeto interestelar, el cometa 2I/Borisov

November 20, 2019 - El cometa interestelar C/2019 Q4, apodado 2I/Borisov en honor de su descubridor, tendrá su mayor aproximación al Sol y la Tierra en diciembre.

2I/Borisov is an interstellar comet, meaning that it came from outside our solar system. It is the first such comet ever observed, and only the second interstellar object of any kind, after the asteroid-like ‘Oumuamua.

The comet was discovered by amateur astronomer Gennadiy Borisov on August 30, 2019, using a 25.6-inch (0.65-metre) telescope that he designed and built specifically to hunt for small, faint objects.

The comet will be much too dim to see without a telescope, and it will be a challenge even in fairly large amateur instruments. Its maximum brightness is currently predicted to be only magnitude 15, about as faint as Pluto.

PUBLISHED: 21/11/2019; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: NASA/JPL