El gráfico muestra los momentos finales de John Dillinger, con detalles de su exhumación – que será complicada por una barrera de hormigón.


La tumba reforzada con hormigón de John Dillinger

By Ninian Carter

September 16, 2019 - El cuerpo del tristemente célebre asaltante de bancos John Dillinger será exhumado como parte de un documental de History Channel. John Dillinger fue acribillado por agentes federales en Chicago en 1934 y enterrado bajo 2,3 toneladas de hormigón para evitar que robaran su cuerpo. Hay teorías de conspiración según las cuales dicen que un doble murió en lugar de Dillinger y que se vació hormigón sobre el ataúd para evitar que alguien lo averiguara.

The body of John H. Dillinger will be exhumed at an Indiana cemetery and reinterred on the same day. It will be a formidable task as the grave of the gangster, who was gunned down by federal agents outside a movie theatre in Chicago in 1934, has been fortified with a thick layer of concrete.

The family is reported to have fortified the grave at Crown Hill Cemetery in Indianapolis with three feet of concrete to prevent theft of the body. A woman who answered the phone at the cemetery told the New York Times that Dillinger fans regularly stop by the cemetery office to inquire where his grave is. Once they find it, they like to pay homage and decorate it with items that include carnations, coins and bullet shells, then post their photos online.

Much of Dillinger’s notoriety rests on his ability to evade federal agents for weeks following his escape from an Indiana jail in 1934, where he was held on a charge of killing a policeman.

His body lies beneath a granite pillow marker, engraved with raised block letters that spell out Dillinger’s name and “1903-1934.”

PUBLISHED: 04/09/2019; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: FBI, Associated Press