El gráfico muestra cómo planea India posar un rover en la Luna.


India planea su segunda misión a la Luna

July 14, 2019 - La nave espacial Chandrayaan-2 de India planea aterrizar un rover del tamaño de un maletín en la Luna, a 600 km del polo sur lunar, mientras un orbitador busca agua — vital para futuras misiones tripuladas

The Indian Space Research Organisation's space agency plans to launch a spacecraft on July 14, in the hopes of landing a rover vehicle on the Moon in early September.

If successful, India will be the fourth nation to soft land on the lunar surface – after the US, former Soviet Union and China.

The Chandrayaan-2 will be the country's second lunar mission, after the previously successful Chandrayaan-1 orbited our nearest celestial neighbour in 2008.

This mission will focus on the lunar surface – gathering data on water, minerals and rock formations.

If all goes to plan, a lander and rover (with a two-week lifespan) will touch down near the lunar south pole in September, the first to ever do so in that region.

PUBLISHED: 26/06/2019; STORY: Graphic News