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El gráfico muestra los partidos populistas de derecha y la porción de voto que obtuvieron en elecciones nacionales pasadas.


Partidos nacionalistas de Europa

May 23, 2019 - May 26, 2019 - Al dirigirse a las urnas este mes, más de uno de cada 10* votantes europeos planean usar su voto en las elecciones del Parlamento Europeo para apoyar a partidos populistas de derecha o de extrema derecha, según un sondeo de YouGov para la fundación alemana Bertelsmann.

The survey of 23,725 people across 12 EU member states in January 2019 found that 10.3 per cent of voters identify with populist right or extreme right parties. The study argued that people are most receptive to radical parties when they feel the mainstream does not represent their views.

Italy’s LEGA leader Matteo Salvini has formed a new right-wing populist alliance for the post-election European Parliament. The group called the European Alliance for People and Nations (EAPN) aims to involve at least ten parties from as many nations. EAPN has already attracted support from the Alternative for Germany, Austria’s Freedom Party, the Danish People’s Party, Finland’s Finns Party, the Conservative People’s Party of Estonia, and France’s right-wing National Rally.

Polls suggest that Populist parties -- already in government in Italy, Austria, Poland and Hungary -- could win up to 30 per cent of the seats in the European Parliament.

PUBLISHED: 13/05/2019; STORY: Graphic News