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El gráfico muestra detalles de supuestos complots de asesinatos de Irán


La UE busca consenso ante complots terroristas iraníes

January 21, 2019 - Alemania, Francia y el RU trabajan para alcanzar una postura común sobre los presuntos complots iraníes de asesinatos en territorio europeo, en anticipación de la conferencia internacional de Oriente Medio que se realizará en Polonia

Iranian agents are accused of plotting to bomb an Iranian opposition rally in France and to assassinate an opposition activists in Denmark in 2018.

They are also alleged to have murdered two opposition members in the Netherlands in 2015 and 2017, according to the Dutch foreign ministry.

Tehran denies the claims and says the accusations are intended to damage relations between Iran and the EU.

PUBLISHED: 21/01/2019; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Other