El gráfico muestra detalles de la estatua y la comparación con algunos de los monumentos más altos en todo el mundo.


India inaugura la estatua mas alta del mundo

October 31, 2018 - India se prepara para develar la estatua más alta del mundo en el estado Guyarat. Diseñada como tributo a Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, un héroe de lucha independentista de India, la gigantesca “Estatua de la Unidad” se yergue 182m, casi dos veces la altura de la Estatua de la Libertad en Nueva York

The bronze-clad statue has cost $430m and is seen as a pet project of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Patel, known as India’s “Iron Man,” has become a right-wing icon for Hindu nationalists.

Ironically, the bronze cladding for the Patel statue was shipped from China because Indian foundries lack the expertise and equipment to go this big.

The statue is being assembled by around 4,000 labourers working around the clock.

There will be a viewing gallery some 153m up, near the chest of the statue. A museum and audiovisual gallery underneath the statue will showcase Patel’s life story and his contributions to India’s independence struggle.

The Statue of Unity is not the only one that is waiting to break records. A new statue dedicated to a famous Maharashtrian warrior, Shivaji, is being built in the Arabian ocean, just off the coast of Mumbai.
Set to reach a height of 212 meters, this new statue could upstage Modi's dream project.

PUBLISHED: 31/10/2018; STORY: Graphic News