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El gráfico muestra algunas tasas de obesidad en países de la OCDE.


La obesidad es una crisis global creciente

September 13, 2018 - Más de uno de dos adultos y casi uno de seis niños sufren sobrepeso y
obesidad en el área de 36 naciones de la OCDE, y las tasas de obesidad en Estados Unidos superan el 38 por ciento, revela un nuevo informe

The OECD Obesity Update reports that the burgeoning obesity epidemic has spread further in the past five years, although at a slower pace than before. Despite this, new projections show a continuing increase of obesity in all studied countries. Social disparities in obesity persist and have increased in some countries.

In the last few years, new policy strategies devised to fight obesity have emerged, in particular by improving nutrient information displayed on food labels, using social and new media to sensitise the population, or by regulating the marketing of food products.

The OECD says better communication helps empower people to make healthier choices. However, comprehensive policy packages, including not only communication but also broader regulatory and fiscal policies, are needed to tackle obesity effectively.

PUBLISHED: 13/09/2018; STORY: Graphic News