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 Plan de reacción rápida para disuadir una amenaza de Rusia infographic
El gráfico muestra las provisiones probables del plan de la OTAN.


Nuevas iniciativas de la OYAN buscan incrementar la Reacción Rápida de la Alianza

June 7, 2018 - Estados Unidos está presionando a sus aliados europeos para que tengan más batallones, barcos y aviones de OTAN listos para el combate, según funcionarios, en una nueva iniciativa para aumentar la disuación de la OTAN contra cualquier ataque ruso.

U.S. Secretary of Defence Jim Mattis will seek broad agreement for the plan in Brussels on Thursday when alliance defence ministers meet, laying the ground for endorsement by NATO leaders at a summit in July, according to Reuters.

The ‘Four Thirties’” plan would mean that Allies would have, by 2020, 30 mechanised battalions, 30 air squadrons, and 30 combat vessels ready for deployment within 30 days or less.

The ministers are also likely to announce a strengthening of maritime operations, and make official staffing levels of more than 1,200 personnel for new commands.

The issue of “burden-sharing” – NATO parlance for spending enough and making the right military contributions – will also be on the table.

PUBLISHED: 07/06/2018; STORY: Graphic News