Un día como hoy Junio 17-23 2018 (semana 25) infographic
Los gráficos muestran cumpleaños y aniversarios para cada día de la semana.


Un día como hoy Junio 17-23 2018

By Julie Mullins

June 17, 2018 - June 23, 2018 - Los gráficos muestran cumpleaños y aniversarios para cada día de la semana. Esta semana incluye a la aviadora Amelia Earhart, la astronauta Sally Ride, la tira cómca, el "Teléfono rojo" entre la Casa blanca y el Kremlin, Mohammad bin Salman, hijo del rey Salman de Arabia saudí, el astrónomo Galileo Galilei y a patente de una "Máquina de escribir”.

June 17, 1928: Amelia Earhart embarked on the first ever trans-Atlantic flight by a woman. She was one of three people aboard the Fokker tri-motor aircraft, Friendship

June 18, 1983: Astronaut Sally Ride became the first American woman in space when she was launched into orbit aboard the space shuttle Challenger

June 19, 1978: Garfield, now the world’s most widely syndicated comic strip, first appeared. Garfield, an overweight cat, is shown above as a balloon in a Thanksgiving Day parade

June 20, 1963: A hot linewas established between the White House and the Kremlin, after delays in communication during the Cuban missile crisis brought the world to the brink of war

June 21, 2017: Mohammad bin Salman, son of King Salman of Saudi Arabia, was appointed as Crown Prince, after King Salman demoted his nephew, Muhammad bin Nayef

June 22, 1633: The Papal Inquisition forced astronomer Galileo Galilei to recant his then-heretical theory that the Earth and other planets revolved around the sun

June 23, 1868: Christopher Latham Sholes, a newspaper publisher, received a patent for an invention called the ype-Writer

PUBLISHED: 12/06/2018; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Newscom, Getty, Associated Press