El gráfico muestra sedes posibles para la cumbe entre Kim Jong Un de Corea del Norte y el presidente Donald Trump.


¿Dónde podrían reunirse Kim Jong Un y Donald Trump?

March 27, 2018 - Hay gran especulación sobre la sede de una potencial cumbre histórica
entre Kim Jong Un de Corea del Norte y el presidente de EUA Donald Trump

La entrevista del 26 de marzo de Kim Jong Un y el presidente chino Xi Jinping en Beijing reafirma reafirma los lazos con el mayor aliado del Norte antes de la cumbre.

One of the most likely summit sites being discussed is the Joint Security Area Panmunjom - the only spot along the Demilitarized Zone where North Korean troops stand face-to-face with South Korean and UN Command forces.

Other rumoured sites include Pyongyang, Beijing, and other locations in Asia such as Singapore. Also raised are neutral locations across Europe - such as Finland, Sweden or Switzerland, and international waters.

PUBLISHED: 28/03/2018; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Associated Press, Wiki Commons