On this day August 25-31 (week 35) infographic
Graphics show birthdays and anniversaries on each day for the week.


On this day August 25-31 (week 35)

August 25, 2024 - August 31, 2024 - Graphics show birthdays and anniversaries on each day for the week. This week features, the world's first scheduled air service, the launch of the iconic Mini car, the award-winning musical film Mary Poppins, the return of a valuable icon from the Vatican to Russia's Orthodox Church, the invention of chop suey, the evacuation of British children from London and the exit of Soviet Union troops from Berlin.

August 25, 1919: The world’s first scheduled air service began when a De Havilland DHAA of Air Transport and Travel, the forerunner of British Airways, flew from London to Paris

August 26, 1959: The iconic Mini was launched. The small, economy car was designed in response to the introduction of fuel rationing in Britain after the Suez Crisis

August 27, 1964: The musical film Mary Poppins was released. It received 13 Academy Award nominations, winning five, including Best Actress for Julie Andrews

August 28, 2004: The Vatican returned a valuable icon to Russia’s Orthodox Church. It vanished during the Russian Revolution and had hung in the pope’s private chapel for 30 years

August 29, 1896: The Chinese-American dish chop suey – meat and eggs cooked quickly with vegetables in a starch-thickened sauce – was invented in New York City

August 30, 1939: The first British children were evacuated from London as war with Germany loomed closer. The plan was to protect them from the risk of aerial bombing of the city

August 31, 1994: Troops of the former Soviet Union took part in a farewell ceremony in Berlin, ending half a century of military presence on German soil

PUBLISHED: 19/08/2024; DESIGN: Phil Bainbridge; PICTURE RESEARCH: Julie Mullins; EVENT SELECTION: Fiona Roberts and Susan Shepherd; PROOFING: Julie Mullins; TECHNICAL CONSTRUCTION: Fiona Roberts;; STORY: Julie Mullins; PICTURES: Getty Images, Newscom