On this day August 18-24 (week 34) infographic
Graphics show birthdays and anniversaries on each day for the week.


On this day August 18-24 (week 34)

August 18, 2024 - August 24, 2024 - Graphics show birthdays and anniversaries on each day for the week. This week features the first oral contraceptive, internet search engine Google, Spain becoming the first European team to win the Women’s World Cup since 2007, the theft of the Mona Lisa, prime minister Hun Manet of Cambodia, the death for Wagner Group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin, and Africa’s forest and savanna elephants.

August 18, 1960: The first oral contraceptive went on sale in the United States. The pill is now the most popular form of birth control, used by over 100 million women worldwide

August 19, 2004: Internet search engine Google was floated on the New York Stock Exchange. The offer price of $85 shot up 18 percent on the first day of trading

August 20 2023: Captain Olga Carmona (right), scored the winning goal as Spain beat England 1-0 to become the first European team to win the Women’s World Cup since 2007

August 21, 1911: Leonardo da Vinci’s portrait of the Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre Museum in Paris by Italian waiter Vicenzo Perruggia. It was recovered in 1913

August 22, 2023: Hun Manet was sworn in as prime minister of Cambodia, succeeding his father Hun Sen, who had held the post for 38 years of hardline rule

August 23, 2023: Wagner Group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin and nine others died when his private jet crashed in Russia, two months after his brief mutiny against the Kremlin

August 24, 2001: Researchers in Kenya revealed that Africa’s forest and savanna elephants are two different species, raising to three the number of living elephant species

PUBLISHED: 05/08/2024; DESIGN: Phil Bainbridge; PICTURE RESEARCH: Julie Mullins; EVENT SELECTION: Fiona Roberts and Susan Shepherd; PROOFING: Julie Mullins; TECHNICAL CONSTRUCTION: Fiona Roberts;; STORY: Julie Mullins; PICTURES: Getty Images, Newscom