On this day July 28-August 3, 2024 (week 31) infographic
Graphics show birthdays and anniversaries on each day for the week.


On this day July 28-August 3, 2024 (week 31)

July 28, 2024 - August 3, 2024 - Graphics show birthdays and anniversaries on each day for the week. This week features the first use of fingerprints as a means of identification, the British chemist Dorothy Hodgkin, La Marseillaise first sung by revolutionaries, the first climb of K2, the Warsaw Uprising, Apple becoming the first public company to be worth $1 trillion, and Christopher Columbus setting sail from Spain.

July 28, 1858: The first use of fingerprints as a means of identification was made by William Herschel in India. He asked a businessman to impress his hand print on a contract

July 29, 1994: Pioneering British chemist Dorothy Hodgkin, who used X-ray crystallography to reveal the structure of vitamins and proteins such as insulin, died aged 84

July 30, 1792: La Marseillaise, which was later adopted as the French national anthem, was first sung in Paris by revolutionaries marching on Louis XVI’s palace in the Tuileries

July 31, 1954: K2, located on the Pakistan and China border and at 8,611 metres the world’s second highest peak, was first climbed by an Italian expedition led by Ardito Desio

August 1, 1944: The 63-day Warsaw Uprising began when Polish underground resistance fighters rose up in an attempt to liberate the city from the Nazi occupation

August 2, 2018: Apple became the world’s first public company to be worth $1 trillion, beating Silicon Valley rivals Amazon and Microsoft to hit the valuation

August 3, 1492: Christopher Columbus set sail from Palos, Spain, with three ships, the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria, on a voyage that would take him to the New World

PUBLISHED: 22/07/2024; DESIGN: Phil Bainbridge; PICTURE RESEARCH: Julie Mullins; EVENT SELECTION: Fiona Roberts and Susan Shepherd; PROOFING: Julie Mullins; TECHNICAL CONSTRUCTION: Fiona Roberts;; STORY: Julie Mullins; PICTURES: Getty Images, Newscom