Responsive interactive graphic shows team records and squads which will update automatically as and when changes are made.


UEFA Champions League 2023-24 team guide widget with live data

By Phil Bainbridge

September 19, 2023 - June 1, 2024 - Europe’s premier club competition opens with the group stage on September 19, featuring 32 teams bidding to be crowned European Champions, including 2022-23 winners Manchester City.

EDITORS: This graphic can be configured to show a particular team by adding the TeamID to the embed code. TeamIDs are provided in the downloadable text file labelled "TXT: Event ID list'. In the embed code, just change “match=” to “team=0”, replacing ‘0’ with the relevant team number. For further instructions go to

EDITORS: Publishers licensed to use this graphic may make a downloadable “web app” available to their readers. All the reader has to do on their smartphone is bookmark the page the graphic is published on, and direct the bookmark to their home screen. The app is also a convenient link back to the publisher’s website and corresponding coverage. For further instructions go to:

PUBLISHED: 18/09/2023; ORIGINAL STATIC GRAPHIC: GN41679 Chris Dinsdale; TECHNICAL SUPPORT: Phil Bainbridge; DATA FEEDS: Gracenote; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Associated Press, Getty Images