Responsive interactive graphic shows anniversaries and events from today’s date in history. Changes automatically each day. Come back tomorrow to see anniversaries and events for that date.


On this day in history auto-updating

By Phil Bainbridge, Julie Mullins, Fiona Roberts

January 1, 2024 - Have a look at how this mobile-friendly widget auto-updates each day to show a range of international anniversaries and events today in history - a daily feature to engage your online visitors day after day.

EDITORS: This is a responsive interactive graphic that can be published in an iframe. The events and picture displayed are determined by the system clock on the device on which it is viewed.

The graphic can be published using embed code. If you host the graphic yourself, you may wish to substitute some of the events or images to give a more national or local interest. The image and text for each day are held in the hyperesources folder. Data is supplied for a whole year.

PUBLISHED: 25/03/2024; TECHNICAL DEVELOPOMENT: Phil Bainbridge; EDITORIAL: Julie Mullins and Fiona Roberts. INFORMATION: GN On this day database .; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images, Newscom