Graphic shows rise in Norway’s EV fleet to September 2017 and global electric vehicle fleets as at December 2016.


Norway seeks “Tesla tax” on electric cars

By Duncan Mil

October 13, 2017 - Norway – a world leader in zero-emission vehicles – is proposing a one-off tax that will hit owners of large electric cars which have hitherto been exempt from heavy taxes imposed on other vehicles.

Norway’s capital of Oslo boasts bus-lane access for electric vehicles (EVs), recharging stations aplenty, free parking, and toll-free travel for EVs.

The initiative began in the 1990s as an effort to cut pollution, congestion, and noise in urban centres; now its primary rationale is combating climate change. With 98 percent of the country’s electricity coming from hydropower, Norway’s booming EV fleet leaves almost no carbon footprint.

PUBLISHED: 13/10/2017; STORY: Graphic News