Jeremy Corbyn factbox infographic
Graphic shows key votes at stake if Jeremy Corbyn takes the Labour Party leadership. The veteran left-winger could influence several key votes requiring cross-party support.


Jeremy Corbyn factbox

By Duncan Mil

September 12, 2015 - On Saturday, September 12, the result of Labour’s dramatic leadership race will finally be made public at a gathering in central London.

The uncompromising left-wing front runner, Jeremy Corbyn, is strongly opposed to privatisation, academy schools, the increase in tuition fees and the Trident nuclear deterrent.

Renationalising the gas and electricity companies is the only viable way to bring energy prices back down, Corbyn has said.

He was also opposed to the UK's involvement in the Iraq War, and has suggested that former Labour Prime Minister Tony Blair could be made to stand trial for war crimes over the invasion of Iraq.

PUBLISHED: 08/09/2015; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images