Turin Shroud back on display infographic
Graphic shows the Turin Shroud, with details of the case for and against its authenticity.


Turin Shroud

By Ninian Carter

April 19, 2015 - June 24, 2015 - The shroud, believed by many Christians to be the burial cloth of Jesus of Nazareth, appears to show the image of a naked man bearing wounds consistent with crucifixion. Debunked as a medieval forgery in 1988, a more recent study concludes it could indeed have originated in the era of Jesus Christ. The Shroud will go back on public display for 10 weeks, beginning April 19.

GN NEWSAHEAD: The Shroud of Turin, venerated by many Catholics as the burial cloth of Christ but possibly a medieval fake, goes on display in Turin.

New tests appear to support the possibility that the image is authentic. Regardless of whether the faint image on the 14-foot-by-4-foot linen cloth is Jesus, the city can expect a huge surge of pilgrims for the viewing. Pope Francis is planning to visit.

The image appears to show a naked man bearing wounds consistent with crucifixion. The cloth was carbon-dated in 1988 in laboratories in Switzerland, England and the United States. It was judged to date from 1260-1390, not 33, which would correspond to the death of Jesus.

The Shroud is held at the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist, and showings are rare. The last was in 2010. The public display will coincide with events in Turin to mark the 200th anniversary in 2015 of the birth of St. John Bosco, the founder of the Salesians.

PUBLISHED: 09/04/2015; STORY: Graphic News