Trump kann Führung vor Biden in Umfragen ausbauen
July 17, 2024 - Präsident Biden, zunehmend isoliert in der schwerste politischen Krise seiner Präsidentschaft, erlebt ein historisches Debakel mit seiner Partei - ein großes Loch zeigt sich bei Meinungsumfragen zu Gunsten von Trump
Biden has expressed frustration to allies that people do not seem to accept that he is mentally cogent and fit to lead, according to a person familiar with his thinking. And he believes his polling should reflect what he sees as his accomplishments.
The attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump on July 13 has muted some of the public pressure on Biden to exit the race. But the party remains deeply divided. Leaders of the Democratic National Committee are using the moment to move swiftly to confirm him as his party’s presidential nominee by the end of July, according to four people briefed on the matter, while many other Democrats are in despair about Biden’s prospects, according to the New York Times.