Meinungsfreiheit in der Krise infographic
Graphic illustrates the global state of freedom of expression.


Die halbe Welt leidet unter Mangel an Meinungsfreiheit

By Ninian Carter

May 22, 2024 - Mehr als der halben Weltbevölkerung ist es nicht möglich, die eigene Meinung frei zu sagen. In den letzten Jahren wird es immer schlimmer, da man auch in Indien nicht seine freie Meinung äußern darf.

More than half of the world’s population is unable to speak freely according to a new report on freedom of expression.

In its new 2024 annual report, advocacy group Article 19 says the share of people facing a crisis of freedom of speech in 2023 was 53% of the population – the worst it’s been for 20 years.

The report’s authors highlight in particular the deterioration in India during the past 10 years, under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s rule, where its classification has risen from “restricted” to “crisis”.

It’s not all gloom and doom, however, with researchers hopeful of improvements in Brazil since Jair Bolsonaro was voted out of power in 2022 – reclassifying the country as “open” after having previously being labelled “restricted”.

PUBLISHED: 23/05/2024; STORY: Graphic News