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 Werbetafel stürzt auf Tankstelle in Indien infographic
Graphic zeigt die Stelle, an der die Werbetafel in Mumbai durch einen heftigen Stur umgeworfen wurde.


Viele Tote und Verletzte durch Werbetafel Unfall in Mumbai

By Ninian Carter

May 14, 2024 - Mindestens 14 Tote und viele Verletzte gab es durch den Sturz einer riesigen Werbetafel auf eine Tankstelle in einem Vorort von Mumbai während eines heftigen Sturms.

A least 14 people have been killed and dozens more injured in Mumbai, India, after a massive advertising billboard, which had been illegally erected, collapsed during a sudden storm.

The billboard, measuring almost 37 metres square and weighing over 200 tonnes, blew over onto a petrol station in the Chheda Nagar, Ghatkopar area of the city following the arrival of high winds and rain.

Authorities say the billboard’s dimensions were several times the permitted size and that Ego Media, the advertising agency that built it, did not have permission.

Several additional giant hoardings in the area have also been erected by the agency without obtaining permits.

Mumbai is one of several Indian cities prone to severe weather-related incidents during the monsoon season, which usually arrives between June and September.

PUBLISHED: 14/05/2024; STORY: Graphic News