Globale Gewalt führt zu Rekordzahlen von Binnenvertriebenen
May 14, 2024 - Konflikte führten die Zahl der Binnenvertriebenen in aller Welt auf ein Rekordhoch von knapp 76 Millionen per 31. Dez 2023, wie die Migration Monitoring Group festgestellt hat.
The Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre report found that the number of internally displaced people, or IDPs, has jumped by 50% over the past five years and roughly doubled in the past decade. It doesn’t cover refugees — displaced people who fled to another country.
Some 75.9 million people were living in internal displacement at the end of last year, the report said, with half of those in sub-Saharan African countries.
Almost 90% of the total displacement was attributed to conflict and violence, while some 10% stemmed from the impact of natural disasters.