US stoppt Waffenlieferungen falls Israel Rafah einnimmt
May 9, 2024 -
US haben Lieferung von tausenden Waffen nach Israel gestoppt, inklusive der kontroversiellen 900kg Bomben, aufgrund des israelischen Plans die Militäroperation im südlichen Gaza voranzutreiben.
The move comes as President Joe Biden has publicly warned Israel for the first time that the U.S. would stop supplying it weapons if Israeli forces make a major invasion of Rafah, a refugee-packed city in southern Gaza.
Four sources said the shipments, which have been delayed for at least two weeks, involved Boeing-made Joint Direct Attack Munitions, which convert dumb bombs into precision-guided ones, as well as Small Diameter Bombs (SDB-1)
The 900kg bombs are most likely to be Mk-84s, which can be fitted with JDAM kits that deliver precision capability using satellite navigation.
However, in a dense, urban environment like Gaza the risk of so-called “collateral damage” is high.
According to the United Nations, “the pressure from the explosion can rupture lungs, burst sinus cavities and tear off limbs hundreds of metres from the blast site.”