US beschränken zivile Schusswaffenexporte infographic
Graphic charts U.S. global semi-automatic firearm exports.


US beschränken zivile Schusswaffenexporte in Hochrisiko Länder

By Ninian Carter

May 7, 2024 - Das US Handelsministerium beschränkt den Verkauf von Schusswaffen an nicht-staatliche Einheiten in Hoch-Risikoländern, um das Risiko vermehrter Schusswaffen-Kriminalität durch diese Exporte zu vermindern.

The U.S. Department of Commerce is to restrict the sale of firearms to non-government entities in high-risk countries, saying that too often, firearms exports fall into the wrong hands.

The move follows a U.S. review of its support for American gunmakers after a 2023 Bloomberg investigation – later to become a Pulitzer finalist for investigative reporting – linked increasing civilian gun exports to higher rates of global gun crime.

Under the new rules, officials can create trade categories for semi-automatic firearms, making it easier for regulators to scrutinise exports.

In 2004, a ban on the sale of U.S. assault weapons expired. From then to 2022, foreign exports by U.S. gunmakers amounted to 3.7 million units, with Thailand the biggest importer with 795,000 firearms.

PUBLISHED: 08/05/2024; STORY: Graphic News