Huthis verstärken Angriffe infographic
Graphic shows details of Houthi attacks since November 2023.


Huthis verstärken maritime Angriffe im Indischen Ozean.

By Duncan Mil

May 3, 2024 - Jemens vom Iran unterstützten Huthis bedrohen Frachtschiffe im Indischen Ozean nachdem sie das MSC Orion Containerschiff weit außerhalb des Roten Meers angegriffen haben.

A drone attack on the MSC Orion on April 26 fol­lowed a threat by the Houthis to extend their attacks to the Indian Ocean, includ­ing on com­mer­cial ves­sels sail­ing between Asia and Europe around the Cape of Good Hope.

The Houthis -- also known as Ansar Allah -- have launched at least 50 attacks since Novem­ber on com­mer­cial ships, say­ing they are act­ing in sup­port of Gaza’s Palestini­ans, a Pentagon official said in late March.

“In the Red Sea, Ansar Allah is seeking to disrupt this vital route for global trade, carrying out at least 50 attacks,” Assistant Secretary of Defence for International Security Affairs Celeste Wallander said during a congressional hearing.

The attack on MSC Orion is one of the most far-reaching perpetrated by the Houthis, as MSC Orion was 300 nautical miles (555km) from the Horn of Africa.

The ves­sel is the sis­ter ship of the MSC Aries, which Iran’s Revolu­tion­ary Guards seized on April 13 in the Strait of Hor­muz.

Zodiac Mari­time operates the MSC Aries and MSC Orion and is con­trolled by the Israeli-born Eyal Ofer.

The Joint Mari­time Inform­a­tion Centre said debris from an unmanned aer­ial vehicle (drone) had been found aboard MSC Orion, which suffered only minor dam­age.

PUBLISHED: 03/05/2024; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: FleetMon