Opfer im Gaza Krieg infographic
Graphic shows soaring casualty ratws in the Gaza Strip since October 7 Hamas attack.


Gaza Todesfälle übersteigen 34.000 am 200. Kriegstag

By Duncan Mil

April 23, 2024 - Die Zahl der getöteten Personen durch Angriffe Israels auf Hamas hat 34.000 überstiegen, wie das Gaza Gesundheitsministerium berichtet. Weitere 77.000 wurden in den sechs Monaten seit Kriegsbeginn verwundet.

As the war enters its 200th day, more than 14,500 children and 9,500 women are among the dead, the Health Ministry in the besieged Palestinian enclave said on Tuesday.

The ongoing assaults since last October have also injured 77,143 Palestinians, it added.

More than one million Palestinian women and girls in Gaza are facing catastrophic hunger, with almost no access to food, safe drinking water, functioning toilets or running water, creating life-threatening risks.

“The war in Gaza is no doubt a war on women, who are paying a heavy price for a war, not of their making,” said Susanne Mikhail, Regional Director of UN Women in the Arab States, in a media briefing in Geneva.

Over the weekend, Israeli air attacks killed at least 22 people, including 18 children, in the southern city of Rafah, Palestinian health officials said.

Around 250 people were violently snatched by Hamas in its raids of southern Israel last October. According to Israel, the militant group is still holding around 100 live hostages and the remains of more than 30 others.

PUBLISHED: 23/04/2024; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images