KI überholt menschliche Leistung infographic
Graphic charts jüngste KI Leistungsverbesserungen mittels unterschiedlicher Benchmark Tests.


Der Einfluss von KI war noch nie so gross

By Ninian Carter

April 19, 2024 - Jüngste Errungenschaften mit Künstlicher Intellienz (KI) sehen die Technologie auf der Überholspur, oder zumindest gleichwertig, mit menschlicher Leistung, in einer Reihe von Lösungen für komplexe Benchmark Tests.

In the last couple of years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has suddenly gone mainstream, with companies deploying the technology in a number of ways, particularly for manual and repetitive tasks.

However, this unprecedented increase in the use of technology in the workplace is leading to job lay-offs for humans. In February, United Parcel Service announced the largest lay-offs in its 116-year history, in part because of its introduction of AI for some tasks.

So where do humans stand today on technical tasks when compared to the latest data on AI performance?

Recent breakthroughs have seen a gigantic leap in performance for AI models on benchmark tests, with it now able to perform visual reasoning and seriously difficult mathematics.

Stanford University’s 2024 AI Index Report informs us that when performing competition level maths, AI models have gone from scoring less than 10% of the relative performance of humans to more than 90% in just 2 years.

PUBLISHED: 21/04/2024; STORY: Graphic News