Wer ist wer in Trumps Schweigegeld Fall

Graphic zeigt die wichtigsten Personen in Donald Trumps Schweigegeld Fall.


Donald Trump’s Schweigegeld Anklage beginnt

By Jordi Bou

April 15, 2024 - Donald Trump ist der erste frühere US Präsident, der vor Gericht wegen krimineller Handlungen steht – ein Fall der Schweigegeld involviert, das an den Porno Star Stormy Daniel ausbezahlt wurde und der schwerwiegende politische und legale Auswirkungen haben kann.

Trump’s trial is the culmination of a case that has been hotly contested since it was unveiled last spring. After months of legal machinations, it seems to be on track to actually begin:

Jury selection is scheduled to start on Monday. Testimony is expected to last weeks, amid a level of media scrutiny that some have likened to the O.J. Simpson trial nearly three decades ago.

The first-ever trial of a former U.S. president will feature allegations that Trump falsified business records while compensating one of his lawyers, Michael Cohen, for burying stories about extramarital affairs that arose during the 2016 presidential race.

The charges, which carry the possibility of jail time, threaten Trump’s campaign schedule as he faces a general election rematch with President Joe Biden.

PUBLISHED: 12/04/2024; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images, Newscom