Japans Pläne für Kampfjets infographic
Graphic zeigt Details des Tempest Kampfjets.


Japan erleichtert Exportbestimmungen für neuen Kampfjet

March 26, 2024 - Japans Kabinett hat den Export des neuen Kampfjets, den es gemeinsam mit UK und Italien entwickelt, bewilligt. Das ist die jüngste
Abkehr von der bisherigen pazifistischen Politik.

It eased arms export rules to allow the jets to be sold to countries that Japan has signed defence pacts with, and where there is no ongoing conflict.

Japan has pledged to double military spending by 2027, citing threats posed by China and North Korea.

Each fighter jet sale will require cabinet approval, authorities said.

In December 2022, Japan came on board a UK-Italy collaboration, dubbed the Tempest, to develop this new fighter jet that will use artificial intelligence and advanced sensors to assist pilots, the BBC said.

PUBLISHED: 27/03/2024; STORY: Graphic News