Trump vor Biden in neuer Umfrage infographic
Graphic charts data from a new U.S. election poll.


In Wählerbefragung führt Trump mit sechs Punkten vor Biden

By Ninian Carter

January 26, 2024 - Donald Trump führt mit sechs Punkten vor Präsident Joe Biden in einer neuen Wählerbefragung, die weiters zeigt, dass die Amerikaner müde sind, immer nur die gleichen Kandidaten für die Präsidentenwahl zu sehen.

A nationwide poll of 1,250 U.S. adults by Reuters/Ipsos shows Trump leading Biden 40% to 34% with the remainder undecided.

However, the poll also highlights dissatisfaction with some 67% of voters tired of seeing the same candidates in presidential elections and wanting someone new.

Key takeaways from the poll include:

1) Voting intentions:
Trump – 40%
Biden – 34%
Undecided – 26%

2) Age is an issue:
Biden (81) should not run – 70%
Biden is too old to be in politics – 75%
Trump (77) should not run – 56%
Trump is too old to be in politics – 50%

PUBLISHED: 27/01/2024; STORY: Graphic News