Netflix berichtet besten Kundenzuwachs seit Pandemie
January 24, 2024 - Netflix' neue Abonnenten boomten Ende 2023, vor allem war dies dem Ende des gemeinsamen Passworts per Haushalt zu verdanken. 13,1 Millionen neue Abonnenten kamen dazur,ecord 13.1 million new subscribers joined up in the last three months of the year.
Netflix saw 13.1 million subscriber sign-ups in the final three months of 2023 – its best quarter of growth since viewers were locked down during the Covid-19 pandemic.
It's Q4 2023 growth spurt exceeded Wall Street’s estimation of 8.9 million, beating projections in every one of its territories around the world.
Shares in Netflix rose almost 9% on the news, rising in value to $535.91 per share.