Israel-Palästina Tote (3) infographic
Graphic zeigt die Toten in Israel-Palästina Konflikten der Jahre seit 2000.


Zahl der Toten in Israel und Gaza steigt weiter (3)

By Ninian Carter

October 12, 2023 - Während Israel nach dem Palästinenser Angriff Gaza weiterhin mit Luftangriffen bombardiert , nehmen Todesfälle auf beiden Seiten zu

Israel continues to pummel Gaza with air strikes, with officials there saying the enclave faces a humanitarian catastrophe.

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu pledges to “destroy” Hamas following the armed group’s surprise attack on October 7.

As of 13:00GMT, October 12, the death toll in Gaza now stands at more than 1,350, while the number of people killed in Israel has reached 1,300.

The UN agency for Palestinian refugees says more than 338,000 people have been displaced.

PUBLISHED: 23/10/2023; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images