Ukraine sagt, sie hätte 34 russische Offiziere bei Krimangriff getötet
September 26, 2023 -
Ukrainische Sondereinheiten behaupten, dass ein Präzisionsangriff auf das HQ der russischen Schwarzmeer Flotte auf der Krim 34 Offiziere getötet hat, inklusive dem Kommandanten, Admiral Viktor Sokolow.
Ukraine’s special forces say they killed Moscow’s top admiral in Crimea, along with 33 other officers, in its September 22 missile attack on the Black Sea Fleet headquarters in the port of Sevastopol.
The following announcement was made by the Ukrainian special forces via the Telegram messaging app: ”After the strike on the headquarters of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, 34 officers died, including the commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. Another 105 occupiers were wounded. The headquarters building cannot be restored.”
The Russian Defence Ministry has not confirmed or denied that Admiral Viktor Sokolov, the commander of the Black Sea Fleet, and one of Russia’s most senior navy officers, has been killed.
Crimea, which Russia illegally annexed in 2014, is a critically strategic region that provides a platform for Russia’s many air attacks on Ukraine – which has itself recently come under frequent retaliatory strikes from Ukraine.