Philippinen entfernen Chinas Meeressperre infographic
Graphic shows where the Chinese sea barrier was placed.


Philippinen entfernen Chinas schwimmende Barriere vor dem Atoll

By Ninian Carter

September 25, 2023 - Die Philippinen haben die schwimmende Barriere, ert kürzlich von der chinesischen Küstenwache installier, wieder emternt. Sie sollte den Zugang zu den ertragreichen Fischereigründen im Atoll, einem umstrittenen Meersteil im Südchinesischen Meer absperren.

The Philippines has removed a floating barrier installed by the Chinese coast guard to block access to a lagoon within Scarborough Shoal – a prime fishing patch in the contested South China Sea.

In images shared by The Philippines, Chinese craft can be clearly seen installing a 300 metre long floating barrier across the only entrance into the atoll, blocking access to Filipino fishing vessels.

The country’s foreign ministry claims the barriers were a violation of international law and threatened the livelihood of their fishermen.

China claims 90% of the South China Sea, overlapping with the exclusive economic zones of Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia and the Philippines.

PUBLISHED: 25/09/2023; STORY: Graphic News