Taiwans einheimische Verteidigungs U-Boote infographic
Graphic zeigt Details der neuen U-Boote Taiwans und die Asien-Pazifik Flotten.


Launch des ersten lokal hergestellten U-Boots in Taiwan

September 25, 2023 - Taiwan hofft auf den Einsatz von mindestens zwei lokal entwickelten U-Booten bis 2027, um seine Abwehr gegen Chinas Marine zu stärken und zum Schutz der wichtigsten Versorgungskanäle.

Taiwan, which China claims as its own territory, has made the indigenous sub programme a key part of an ambitious project to modernise its armed forces as Beijing stages almost daily military exercises to assert its sovereignty.

Taiwanese admiral Admiral Huang Shu-kuang, who is leading the programme, said a fleet of 10 submarines – which includes two Dutch-made submarines commissioned in the 1980s – will make it harder for the Chinese navy to project power into the Pacific.

PUBLISHED: 26/09/2023; STORY: Graphic News