Nagorno-Karabach Truppen mit Waffenstillstand einverstanden
September 20, 2023 - Ethnische armenische Truppen sind mit dem russischen Wffenstillstandsplan einverstanden, 24 Stunden nachhdem Aserbaidschan eine Offensive in der abtrünnigen Nagorno-Karabach gestartet hatten.
Under the agreement, confirmed by both sides and effective from 09:00 GMT on Wednesday, separatist forces will disband and disarm and talks on the future of the region and the ethnic Armenians who live there will start on Thursday.
The outcome would appear to pave the way for Azerbaijan to integrate around 120,000 ethnic Armenians into its society – a prospect some Armenians say they fear – and to take full control of a mountainous area that has been at the centre of two wars since the 1991 fall of the Soviet Union, Reuters said.