Eruption Mayon Vulkan infographic
Grafik zeigt die Gefahrenzone rund um den Mayon Vulkan.


Bewohner werden evakiert, da der Vulkan Lava und Gase spuckt

June 13, 2023 - Tausende Personen wurden evakuiert, nachdem der Mayon Vulkan, der aktivste auf den Philippinen, seit Sonntag Lavaströme auf den Flanken des Berges ins Tal rinnen lässt.

According to latest data from National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council, over 14,000 residents have so far been evacuated from the 6km permanent danger zone around the volcano, which is under Alert Level 3 due to signs of an increased tendency towards “hazardous” eruption.

The provincial government of Albay on Monday also placed residents inside the 7km extended danger zone under a preparedness status, according to CNN Philippines.

Mayon is among the most active of the Philippines’ 24 volcanoes, having erupted more than 50 times in the last four centuries. Its most destructive eruption came in February 1841 when lava flows buried a town and killed 1,200 people, Reuters said.

PUBLISHED: 13/06/2023; STORY: Graphic News