Ermittler untersuchen Ursache für mysteriösen Flugzeugabsturz
June 6, 2023 -
US Bundesbehörden untersuchen die Ursache wie ein Flugzeug hunderte Kilometer von seiner eigentliche Flugstrecke fliegen konnte - es sollte von US Kampfjets abgefangen werden – bevor es abstürzte. Alle vier Insassen sind tot.
The plane, a Cessna 560 Citation V, crossed restricted airspace over Washington D.C. before plummeting in Virginia.
It is not certain why the plane veered off course, but loss of cabin pressure − which could render the pilot and passengers unconscious − is a possibility.
Fighter jet pilots who attempted to intercept the plane flying in restricted airspace over Washington reported seeing its pilot slumped over and unresponsive.
John Rumpel, who runs Encore Motors of Melbourne, a Florida-based company that owns the aircraft, said in a telephone interview that his daughter; his 2-year-old granddaughter; her nanny and the pilot were on the plane and did not survive.
- Investigators Seek Answers About Plane Crash That Followed Sonic Boom Scare (NYT)
- Sonic boom: Mapping the path of Cessna that sent Washington scrambling (WP)
- Pilot of plane that crashed in Virginia was slumped over in cockpit - reports (BBC)
- Pilot of wayward plane that crashed in Virginia was slumped over, fighter jet pilots said (USAToday)