F-16 Kampfjet Koalition für Ukraine infographic
Grafik zeigt Details der F-16 Performance und Lagerbestand.


F-16 Kampfjet Training für ukrainische Piloten geplant

May 25, 2023 - Präesident Wolodymyr Selenskyj sagte, die Lieferung von F-16 Kampfjets an die Ukraine wäre ein sicheres Signal der Welt, dass die russische Invasion mit einer Niederlage enden wird.

Ukraine’s quest for the U.S.-built jet received a big boost over the weekend when U.S. President Joe Biden gave his backing for Kyiv’s pilots to be trained to fly them.

Biden’s comments at a summit with G7 leaders in Japan came days after Britain and the Netherlands said they were building an “international coalition” to help Ukraine procure F-16s as it seeks to improve its defences against Russian air attacks.

The F-16s would be a significant upgrade to the largely Soviet-era aircraft currently in Ukraine’s fleet, CNN said.

PUBLISHED: 25/05/2023; STORY: Graphic News