UK Arbeiter werden schneller arm infographic
Grafik charts G7 fallende Lebensstandards laut Umfrage.


Britannien gewinnt das G7 Rennen um den tiefsten Fall

By Ninian Carter

May 9, 2023 - Eine Umfrage ergibt, dass Finanzexperten und Investoren glauben, UK wird einen tieferen Fall des Lebensstandards erleiden als andere G7 Nationen.

British workers will suffer a bigger fall in living standards in 2023 than those in any other G7 nation, according to a new survey of financial professionals and retail investors.

UK inflation will outpace pay raises to a greater extent than in the other developed economies, with wages falling by 3% in real terms.

The cost of groceries and energy have risen more quickly than the current headline inflation rate of 10.1%, fanning the flames of mass strikes in what is being seen as the most widespread industrial action in a generation.

PUBLISHED: 09/05/2023; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images