iPhone Umsätze überstegen $50 Milliarden im Fiskal Q2
May 5, 2023 - Apple’s Einkünfte im zweiten Fiskal Quartal, das entspricht dem ersten Quartal von 2023, zeigt iPhone Umsätze, die in dieser Periode den Rekordumsatz von $51,3 Milliarden erreichten.
Apple has announced financial results for its second fiscal quarter of the year, which corresponds to the first calendar quarter of 2023.
For the quarter, Apple posted revenue of $94.8 billion – a net quarterly profit of $24.1 billion, slightly down on the $25.0 billion net income in the year-ago quarter, but exceeding analysts’ expectations none the less.
The company’s Services business, which includes iCloud, Apple Music, AppleTV+ and the App Store, saw revenue hit an all-time record with earnings of $20.9 billion, while the iPhone reached a new March quarter revenue record of $51.3 billion.
However, it was a less rosy picture for some categories, with the Mac in particular seeing a significant year-on-year slump in quarterly revenue – falling from $10.4 billion to $7.2 billion.
For Apple, like other U.S. global behemoths, the strong dollar has decreased the value of revenue generated in other parts of the world.