Europas Verteidigungsziele infographic
Grafik zeigt den Anstieg der europäischen Ausgaben für Militär und die Schritte der Europäischen Kommission zur Transformation deer Verteidigung des Blocks.


Europas Verteidigungsziele

By Duncan Mil

Russlands Angriff auf die Ukraine hat Europa gezwungen – noch immer stark von den US für Sicherheit abhängig – seine Militärausgaben ganz stark zu erhöhen, so hoch wie seit Ende des Kalten Kriegs vor dreißig Jahren nicht mehr.

European nations have adopted a piecemeal approach to defence -- European armies have 17 types of main battle tanks and 20 different fighter aircraft, while the U.S. has one tank and six types of fighters. Europe depends on the U.S. for command and control, intelligence and surveillance, air transport and aerial refuelling.

Following Russia’s brutal war of aggression in Ukraine, Europe’s military spending rose from US$420.7 billion in 2021 to $480.3 billion last year -- a rise of 14.2 per cent, according to the think-tank Stock­holm Inter­na­tional Peace Research Insti­tute.

EU member states carry out more than 80% of defence procurement nationally. In 2021, the European Commission attempted to ramp up defence R&D spending through a new €8 billion European Defence Fund (EDF). The EDF supports research and development (R&D) in the defence industry. However, the Left in the European Parliament has been vocal against the EDF since its launch.

“Throwing billions into the arms industry is politically wrong, not least because this money could be used to tackle the economic, ecological, and social crisis. Instead, we’re developing equipment to fuel violence and war,” denounced MEP Özlem Demirel.

PUBLISHED: 02/05/2023; STORY: Graphic News