China’s neues Wirtschaftsteam infographic
Graphic shows China’s expected new economic team and GDP growth since 2017.


China ändert sein Finanzsystem von Grund auf

By Jordi Bou

March 5, 2023 - Chinas Staatspräsident Xi Jinping bereitet sich auf die jährliche Parlamentssitzung, den Nationalen Volkskongress, vor. Er wird seine
vertrauenwürdigsten Mitarbeiter mit diversen Ämtern für enge politische Kontrolle der Finanzgeschäfte betrauen.

In October, Xi executed a clean sweep of the seven-member Politburo Standing Committee, stacking the Chinese Communist party’s highest decision-making body with loyalists at the quinquennial party congress.

He is expected to mirror the reshuffle of the CCP’s leadership in the government’s top ranks, which will boast a team of new faces drawn heavily from Xi’s past.

Changes come at a sensitive moment for the economy, which was damaged by Xi’s draconian zero-Covid strategy last year and regulatory crackdowns on the tech and property sectors.

Gross domestic product in 2022 grew just 3 per cent, well below the official target of 5.5 per cent.

PUBLISHED: 02/03/2023; STORY: Graphic News