Tödlicher Zugszusammenstoss in Griechenland
March 1, 2023 -
Ein Passagierzug mit hunderten Fahrgästen kollidierte mit hoher Geschwindigkeit mit einem entgegenkommenden Frachtzug auf dem gleichen Gleis. Es gab mindestens 32 Tote und 85 Verletzte.
Multiple cars derailed, and at least three burst into flames after the collision near the town of Tempe.
“There were many big pieces of steel,” Vassilis Polyzos, a resident who was one of the first people on the scene, told The Associated Press. “The trains were completely destroyed, both passenger and freight trains.”
“People, naturally, were scared -- very scared,” he said. “They were looking around, searching; they didn’t know where they were.”
The trains crashed just before the Vale of Tempe, a gorge that separates the regions of Thessaly and Macedonia.
The Greek government announced on Wednesday there will be a three-day official mourning following the deadliest train collision in the country’s history.