Chinas boomender Kraftwerkebau infographic
Grafik zeigt die Kapazität von Chinas Kohlekraftwerken seit 2010.i


China bewilligt den Bau von Kohlekraftwerken in Rekordhöhe

By Ninian Carter

February 27, 2023 - 2022 bewilligte Peking den Bau von zwei neuen Kohlekraftwerken pro Woche, die gesamte Leistung soll auf 106 Gigawatt steigen.

China approved the construction of 106 gigawatts of coal-fired power station capacity in 2022, the highest amount since 2015 – a rate of two new power stations every week.

The amount of new capacity had slowed in recent years following a peak in 2015 when provincial governments gained the authority to permit new projects.

The sudden rise in 2022 is designed to ensure the stability of the power grid – China suffered a wave of blackouts in September 2021 due to coal supply shortages, and a long drought last summer saw a dramatic drop in hydro-electric power generation.

Beijing is trying to rejuvenate its economy after growth stagnated due to its stringent “Zero-Covid” policy, raising concerns that its low-carbon efforts will be marginalised.

PUBLISHED: 28/02/2023; STORY: Graphic News