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 Wie viele Chinesen sind an Covid gestorben? infographic
Grafik Chart mit Schätzung der wahren Zahl von Covid-19 Toten in China.


Chinas Covid Tote könnten viel mehr sein als offizielle Daten angeben

By Ninian Carter

February 16, 2023 - China behauptet, dass 83.150 seiner Bürger seit Beginn der Pandemie Ende Dezember 2019 an Covid gestorben sind, aber Epidemiologen glauben, dass die Zahl viel höher ist.

In December 2022, China relaxed its strict “Zero Covid” restrictions and saw an explosion in cases and deaths.

However, China’s official Covid-19 death toll (as of February 9, 2023) stands at 83,150 people – making it the the lowest death rate per capita of any major country.

This seems unlikely, due in part to China only counting deaths in hospitals and for a long time only counting Covid deaths caused by respiratory failure – discounting other causes such as liver, kidney or cardiac failure.

Epidemiologists have been working to piece together a realistic tally based on various aspects of China’s response to the pandemic and believe the true figure is likely between 1 million and 1.5 million casualties.

PUBLISHED: 16/02/2023; STORY: Graphic News