Nintendo Switch überholt PS4 und Game Boy Verkäufe
February 8, 2023 - Nintendo gab bekannt, dass seine Switch Videospielkonsole 122,55 Stück verkauft hat - sie überholt somit PlayStation 4 und Game Boy und wird die drittbeste, verkaufte Konsole aller Zeiten.
Nintendo’s third quarter earnings report reveals its Switch hybrid games console has sold 122.55 million units – surpassing the PlayStation 4 and Game Boy to become the third best selling video game console of all time.
The report highlights 994.30 million Switch games have been sold to date – a ratio of more than eight games for ever Switch unit sold.
Nintendo also revealed that the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet games have sold 18 million units, becoming one of the Switch’s ten best selling games of all time in less than three months.