Russland mit Budgetdefizit von $25Mrd infographic
Grafik zeigt russische Steuereinnahmen aus Öl und Gas Einkünften.


Einbruch von russischen Öl und Gas Verkäufen führt zu $25Mrd Defizit

By Ninian Carter

February 7, 2023 - Ein dramatischer Einbruch der Umsätze von Öl und Gas führen zu Russlands größtem Januar Budgetdefizit in über 20 Jahren,

Russia’s oil and gas tax revenue plunged 46% in January compared to a year ago, while there was a 59% increase in spending caused by its invasion of Ukraine.

This combination triggered a January budget deficit of 1.76 trillion rubles ($25 billion) – its biggest start of year deficit in at least 25 years.

The slump in oil and gas revenue follows Western sanctions against Russia, including an EU ban on most seaborne imports of fuel, a G-7 oil price cap and a freeze on international reserves – forcing Russia to trade Urals crude at a significant discount.

In January, Urals averaged $49.48 per barrel, compared to the average Brent benchmark price of $77.82 per barrel.

According to risk data provider Castellum.AI, as of January 27, Russia has been hit by 10,901 Western sanctions since its invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. Add this to sanctions previously in place and Russia currently has 13,656 sanctions imposed against it.

PUBLISHED: 07/02/2023; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images, Newscom