Innenministerium Führung stirbt bei Absturz infographic
Grafik zeigt Helikopter und Absturzstelle.


Ukraines Innenministerium Führung bei Helikopter Absturz getötethelicopter crash

By Jordi Bou

January 18, 2023 - Drei hohe Beame aus dem Innenministerium sowie einige Kinder sind unter den Toten nach dem Absturz des Helikopters im Osten von Kiew.

Nine people on board the aircraft and at least seven on the ground, including three children, were killed when a Super Puma helicopter crashed in the suburb of Brovary.

Interior Minister Denys Monastyrsky died alongside his first deputy minister Yevhen Yenin and state secretary Yurii Lubkovich.

The 42-year-old interior minister was a prominent member of President Volodymyr Zelensky’s cabinet. He played a key role in updating the public on casualties caused by Russian missile strikes since Ukraine was invaded in February 2022.

The SBU state security service said it was following several possible causes for the crash, which included sabotage as well as a technical malfunction or breach of flight rules.

PUBLISHED: 18/01/2023; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Newscom, Mohammad Sadegh nik gostar